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Our vision

Challenge as an opportunity


ZellerDigitalCore GmbH is a leading professional management consultancy specializing in digital transformation. Our goal is to assist companies in maximizing the benefits of innovative technologies to optimize their business processes and ensure sustainable success. With our experienced team of experts, we develop customized solutions that help our clients remain competitive in an increasingly digital landscape.

Your success is our goal

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The IT landscapes that have evolved over decades have shaped today's organizational cultures and influence the way we work together. This has led to the creation of digital application silos that are connected via numerous interfaces. This has significantly increased complexity and encouraged isolated ways of thinking.


These technical and organizational conditions, with their potential for silo structures, expose the company to significant business risks. They tie as much as 90% of resources and finances, which jeopardize the company's future direction.


Our objective is to collaborate with you and your stakeholders to identify and overcome these challenges, enabling you to deploy your resources in a targeted manner to achieve your strategic goals.


To this end, we work with you to develop a coordinated target picture, define the optimal path, and measure the impact of the steps in three dimensions:


  • increasing organizational maturity

  • use of digital technologies

  • controllability, governance, and risk management


ZellerDigitalCore significantly enhances your ability to control and manage integrated processes. 

Our consulting services play a pivotal role in achieving your strategic objectives by mitigating risks in a systematic manner through the implementation of robust quality standards, enhanced transparency, and effective measures.

Cloud Analytics Modernization

We apply our experience and the ZellerDigitalCore method to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders in developing a target vision that aligns closely with your business strategy. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your architecture, processes, and organization, recommend suitable measures, and provide ongoing support in their implementation. Our aim is to enhance your business's controllability and drive its success.

Accelerating Data Science

Data and information are critical to success. ZellerDigitalCore structures your valuable data, promoting transparency and availability while simultaneously enhancing its quality and security. Our approach reduces business risks and strengthens the resilience of your organization.

Versatility of application

Comprehensive customer service

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We integrate the architecture into your   
business network

By evaluating your analyses in conjunction with your business objectives, we develop the appropriate business architecture together with the revelant parties and stakeholders. The result, with variants, forms a basis for deciding on the optimal path with an integrative approach.

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